Are you ready to be free?

Come join us for 30 Days of prayer, accountability, praise, worship, unexplainable miracles, and FORGIVENESS!!!

A Time of Healing, Restoration, and Forgiveness

It's time to release anything that doesn't belong to us and make 2024 a year of peace, joy, and abundance!

Are you ready?!

About: The 5am Prayer Community is a group led by Katrina Nickhol of people drawn together by common experiences with a desire to connect deeper with Christ.

Our community is all about challenging, equipping, and inspiring you to become who God created you to be. From prayer challenges and fast, to life-changing events, we are here to provide a safe space for you to grow as you are learning to be obedient to Christ.

No, you don't have to wake up at 5AM every morning to be a part of our community. We are so much more than that! However, we’d love to connect with you to help connect with God like never before!

Ready to meet your new APs a.k.a. Accountability Partners and join one of the most active and supportive communities of like-minded Believers? Join us here:

"It's time to seek god like never before!"


First, Text me "Prayer" to (904) 815-0721 so that I can lock you in! Then, enter your email address below to be the first to know!

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.